
Three 护理实践博士(DNP) nurses with their arms around each other in the Emergency Department



在线护理实践医生(DNP)计划在美国准备 护士 and graduates with additional roles in the profession to provide advanced nursing 护理 for individuals and communities, to address the major issues of health护理, to research theoretical issues and transform research into quality 护理, to fill leadership 未来护士的角色和教育 护士.

DNP学生正在寻求展示他们专业领域的专业知识. 大学 of 南 Alabama 护理学院 offers specialty certification programs in 15 不同的领域,比大多数其他护理项目都要多.

Every DNP student completes a major project that translates evidence into practice. Projects can be designed to achieve an evidence-based, quality improvement systems 改变临床环境. 学生们与来自美国南部和南部的指导老师一起工作 临床现场的导师或导师. 所有的项目都必须寻求改善病人 outcomes and all are designed to improve health护理 at a local, regional, national 或者全球层面.

All graduate programs in the 美国护理学院 are offered online so students 能在攻读学位的同时保持自己的职业生涯吗. 虽然离校园很远, students have easy contact with professors via email, phone or using other forms of 技术.

学生 who enter the DNP program with a BSN degree may earn a MSN degree during DNP研究.


Upon completion of the 护理实践博士 program, graduates should be able to:

  • Assume organizational and system leadership in the analysis, delivery, and management 护理护理.
  • Implement the highest level of advanced nursing 护理 to produce high quality, cost-effective 不同患者的结果 人口.
  • Use theories, concepts, and analytic methodologies to design, implement, and evaluate 实践应用证据改造护理系统.
  • Contribute to the knowledge of best-practices and dissemination of outcomes through 专业写作和演讲.
  • Develop practice standards based on the integration of ethics and evidence-based nursing 护理.
  • Build interdisciplinary professional collaboration through leadership and mentorship.


  1. DNP计划是一个 在线项目. Coursework is completed online and clinical hours can be completed in your region 有一个合格的导师.
  2. Nurse practitioner track students are required to report to the CON for about 3-5 培训天数. 额外的现场访问可能需要,列在 专业赛道的网页. 请参考DNP计划中的可用轨道 下面.
  3. GRE和/或MAT -不需要
  4. 推荐信——不需要
  5. All DNP students pay the same tuition rate: Web Course Tuition for Graduate 学生
  6. All requirements for the DNP degree must be completed within seven calendar years 从入学
  7. Additional requirements for admission are located in the 十大玩彩信誉平台 本科/研究生公告.
  8. 学生 are responsible for costs related to the required admission background check 药物筛选. 学生负责所有必要的校内交通费用 到临床地点的访问和旅行费用.
  9. 学生 are responsible for all costs related to monitoring/proctoring tests and 课程要求时的身份验证.
  10. Admission is contingent upon the college's ability to secure an approved clinical 网站在第一学期课程结束前注册. 鼓励学生 to secure their own clinical placement within an acceptable geographical area if desired. Submission of a formal letter of commitment will be required to verify guaranteed 为将来的临床轮转做准备. 如果学生不能获得可接受的 site within their own geographical area, the college will work to identify an appropriate 必须被学生接受的临床实习.
  11. Initial course registration is contingent upon the student's acceptable completion and results of the following requirements: Acceptance Packet, Drug and Background Screen, and Required Documents and Attestations within the Medical Documents Manager. If a student is unable to meet the initial registration requirements, they may transfer 他们的第一学期入学到下一学期.


十大玩彩信誉平台, 护理学院 provides three Pathways to the 护理执业博士学位:

  • 护理硕士(MSN)到DNP途径
  • Master of Nursing to DNP Bridge Program for Clinical Nurse Leaders to Executive Nursing 管理途径
  • BSN到DNP的路径


的 MSN to DNP program includes the MSN到DNP高级护理实践角色, 以及MSN到DNP以增加一个新的认证专业领域.

  1. MSN到DNP高级护理实践角色 is for students who have completed their MSN degree in an area of advanced practice nursing we offer here at the 美国护理学院 and want to earn their DNP in 同样的专业领域.
  2. MSN到DNP添加一个新的专业认证区域 is for students who have completed their MSN degree in one specialty area but want to add a new specialty certification area along with their DNP in this same specialty area.

Master of Nursing to 护理实践博士 Bridge Program for Clinical Nurse 高级护理管理领导课程(MSN/CNL到DNP/ENA)

MSN到DNP的桥梁程序 for Clinical Nurse Leaders to 行政护理管理 Pathway is for students who completed their MSN in the area of CNL and want to complete their DNP in the specialty 高级护理管理领域.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing to 护理实践博士 Pathway (BSN to DNP)

BSN到DNP的路径 is for students who have completed their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from a regionally accredited institution, and desire to complete their MSN and DNP degrees.


有关招生过程的所有咨询: condnpadmit@philboardport.com

所有在读和在读学生: condnp@philboardport.com